

I accompany others through values clarification and dismantling obstacles to integrity, personal power, and relational effectiveness so that they feel more sharply focused and purposeful, experience more satisfaction in their relationships, and make progress toward their goals and accomplishing what matters to them.


Coaching and Thought Partnership

Through generative listening, I help others clarify their values, aspirations, and vision of meaningful contribution and fulfillment. I curate and share resources aimed to strengthen self-awareness, growth, and effectiveness. I bring research findings and evidence-informed insights to conversations about strategy, process, relationships, and results.

As a White, educated, middle class, cis-gender and able-bodied woman, I lead myself and accompany others in exploring how each of us might align our power, resources, and values toward more magnanimous and bolder visions of a racially and economically just, compassionate, and ecologically thriving world.

Mindful Community/Group Wellbeing

Using embodied mindfulness practices and understanding gleaned from science and diverse wisdom traditions, I accompany individuals and small groups to deepen skills for self-awareness and self-regulation. I work to settle and liberate energy that can get stuck internally and interpersonally in self-criticism, judgment, unproductive storytelling, and unnecessary drama. I use art to motivate and strengthen consistency of practice.

Research, Writing, Editing, Writing Coaching

I write to make sense of my own life, reflect others back to themselves, communicate in ways that inspire, inform, move, and motivate. I delight in words. Following a line of inquiry, distilling, synthesizing, reflecting new information or insights – these activate my thirst to understand. Editing is my jam, alongside bringing others into the fullness of their written expression.

I value opportunities to support leaders of philanthropic institutions spearheading transformative change, iincluding and especially with governing boards/trustees and others in decision-making roles.

White Racial Affinity Group Facilitation

I work with white-bodied people to support nuanced understanding and healing of the racialized trauma associated with being complicit with oppression and a system predicated on advantaging some at the expense of others. I commit to consistent daily personal practice and intentional small group practice to interrogate my own racialized life experience, see clearly the advantages and challenges conferred by my white and other privileged identities, and transform patterns that cause harm. I seek to generate new possibilities for right relationship through changes in how we see and how we are with each other.

Partners & Collaborators

  • Monarch Services

  • Wendy Todd Consulting

  • Community Action Board of Santa Cruz

  • Compton Foundation

  • Health Improvement Partnership of Santa Cruz County

  • Northern California Grantmakers